Friday, January 20, 2006

Why I’m Taking the TOEFL Class

Nowadays, the TOEFL exam is very important. It is one of the most important tests in English. Many people take it for different reasons. For instance, they take it to study in universities, to improve their English or even to get better jobs. Personally, I have two reasons why I’m taking TOEFL. The most important reason is to improve my English skills. Another reason is to help me to pass the TOEFL exam.

First, I need to improve my English skills because English is the most important language on the earth now. Learning it can open doors in life, especially in our countries, where there are not many people speaking it. Also, speaking English make people more knowledgeable because now we can get more information, which has been written in English, and not in any other languages. For example, when someone can speak English, she/he can find an abundance of information on the Internet. In addition, this person can speak to native English speakers from a variety of different countries such as England, the US, Canada, and Australia.

Second, I need to pass the TOEFL exam, so I’m taking the TOFEL class now. I need to go to study at a university this year in Canada or the U.S. to get the opportunity to have a good job in the future in my country, where many foreign companies are opening branches. This means people who graduate from English universities have better chances to get jobs.

In summary, the TOFEL class is very important for me inasmuch as I need to improve my skills in English and enjoy my life watching movies and reading books in English. I will be glad when I speak English with people who are from countries that speak English. In another way, English can be very usful to continue my study.


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